Shams Hamzazai Foundation (SHF)

Back Ground

Shams Hamzazai Foundation was established in December 2018 in Loralai district of Balochistan. Its founder is Shams Hamzazai and has a broad vision for the foundation. Basically, the Shams Hamzazai Foundation is working in various fields including health, education, social work, poverty reduction and sports. Shams Hamzazai Foundation is regularly registered with the Department of Industry and Commerce Balochistan, Balochistan Charity Registration and Regulation Authority (BCRA), Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) Balochistan. The Shams Hamzazai Foundation has formed social media groups, WhatsApp groups, websites and local committees at various levels.


Strengthening Communities of Balochistan in shaping their lives through Activism and Technology


Transforming the lives of deprived people of Balochistan by empowering them and future generation

Objectives of SHF

  • Promote basic Human Rights, particularly of women, minorities, indigenous communities, people living with disabilities, senior citizens, infant, child and adolescents
  • Contribute to the creation of a tolerant society through the promotion of the value of peace, justices, freedom.
  • Promote tolerance, interfaith harmony & social harmony.
  • Promote democracy, freedoms, civic spaces& good governance in the society
  • Mobilize stakeholders for vision Pakistan & sustainable development goals.
  • Encourage and support democratic norms, values &institutions in the society;
  • Incorporate humanism, feminism, gender sensitization in all program activities and to make gender a cross cutting theme.
  • Protect climate change, forest, mountains, agriculture, bio diversity, environment, water conservation, natural resources management and promotion of WASH and WATSAN
  • Promote good health, wellbeing, SRHR, ending HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, HBC and early, child and forced marriages
  • Increase literacy, enrolment & decreasing dropout trough quality education, innovative technologies & creating public private partnership development
  • Strengthening, monitoring, evaluation, tracing, tracking through citizens generated data, transparency, accountability, ownership & open data mechanism
  • Creation of employment opportunities for poor and needy
  • Provision of alternate disputes resolutions (ADR) and legal aid to victims, survivors, poor, needy, neglected and suppressed
  • Providing accelerated learning pathway (ALP)
  • Provision of livelihood through interest free loan to the vulnerable groups
  • Increasing women, youth & community participation
  • Charity through community members will be done that will generate Endowment fund for poverty elevation from rural Balochistan

Core Values:


We respect the values and the beliefs of the people with and for whom we work and we act in consideration of their environment. We care.


We adhere to strong principles; we take responsibility for our actions, processes and results, and we expect the same from our stakeholders. We honor our commitments.


We believe we are more powerful when we work together within our team and with our partners. We all join forces for greater impact.


We are entrepreneurial; we have the courage and the creativity to pursue unique ideas that have the potential of pushing boundaries. We think outside the box and we make it happen.


We aspire to connect, spread joy and excitement in everything we do. While having fun, we strive to achieve positive and sustainable results.



Committees Network in Pakistan

SHF has established six further committees in different area of the country for financial and technical assistance of the deprived people of the Balochistan, which is as follows.



Lahore Committee`s Orientation for Assistance

Multan Committee`s Orientation for Assistance

Islamabad Committee`s Orientation for Assistance


Duki Committee`s Orientation For Assistance

Dera Ghazi Khan Committee`s Orientation for Assistance

Quetta Committee`s Orientation for Assistance

Loralai District Committees:

Shams Hamzazai Foundation (SHF) Have 368 local Communities in Loralai District which is manage through UC committees, the whole UC committees are directly Linked with District Committees and concerned office. The Structure of District committees are as Follows.



SHF UC Committees:


UC Committees Meeting


SHF General Body

Workers Conventions